Interview With Sterlingcoin Developer Spencer Lievens: Why Merchants And Services Are Key To Altcoin Survival

Interview With Sterlingcoin Developer Spencer Lievens: Why Merchants And Services Are Key To Altcoin Survival

There are an insane number of altcoins coming out everyday. Most of them are absolute garbage, have terrible developer support and are instantly dumped if they are ever put onto an exchange with any kind of volume. To say the altcoin market is overcrowded is like saying Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has a drug problem or Nickleback is a horrible band: you are correct, but you aren't telling anyone something they don't already know. For the most part, I avoid talking about new coins. “Call me when you have something unique, and finished, to show me” is my general response to new coin developers....

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The Alt-Cracks: Altcoin Stories That Slipped Through The Cracks

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