London Scene Roundup: Bitcoin’s Ups & Downs, Assange, Lightning Alpha, Satoshi, Blockchain Talents Scarce

London Scene Roundup: Bitcoin’s Ups & Downs, Assange, Lightning Alpha, Satoshi, Blockchain Talents Scarce

London takes it easy with Cointelegraph exclusives: Bitcoin’s price hike and then drop in January explained, the new bOObCoin launches in Essex, Assange invents Proof of Life and Satoshi spotted selling the Big Issue outside the Bank of England. BOObCoin to aid breast surgery. London Correspondent Nick Ayton speaks with Debbey Fulcro who owns a salon in Billericay Essex. CT: How did you come up with the idea? Debbey Fulcro: Plastic surgery is very expensive and unaffordable for most girls that are unhappy with their bodies so we created bOObCoin so that girls can raise money for breast....

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