These Basic Privacy Tools Can Help Anyone Avoid Surveillance On The Open Inte...

These Basic Privacy Tools Can Help Anyone Avoid Surveillance On The Open Inte...

As the resurgence of the EARN IT Act shows, we’re all in need of tools for communicating privately online — particularly Bitcoiners.With the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act, two U.S. senators have reintroduced a surveillance bill that could have major impacts on privacy and free speech, turning the offering of encryption services into legal risk territory for service providers. While the censorship of free speech is already flourishing on public platforms such as Twitter, the EARN IT act would enforce the transmission of all communication....

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Circumventing Surveillance On The Open Internet

As the resurgence of the EARN IT Act shows, we’re all in need of tools for communicating privately online — particularly Bitcoiners.