Satoshi’s Seed: How Bitcoin Changed The World
The “digital fire” that is Bitcoin is an expression of fundamental natural phenomena in digital form.Bitcoin is poised to exponentially transform the world as we currently know it. It is said that 100 years of technological and social advances will occur within the next ten years! This is not your father’s internet. Buckle up!For those who don’t quite yet understand Bitcoin’s profound implications, my boomer peers especially, Bitcoin is not simply another incremental invention such as the fax machine or streaming video on the internet. Its consequential value is not simply like that of a....
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Satoshi’s Last Will is a film by Bitfilm, set in a world where Bitcoin is synonymous with payment and has achieved mainstream adoption. In this sci-fi, Satoshi has passed away, leaving his legacy in the hands of seven trustees. All is good until one of the trustees turns rogue, killing the others for their keys in order to keep the Bitcoin for his or her selfish reasons. For those that don’t know, can you give a little background story regarding what Satoshi’s Last Will is? Satoshi’s Last Will is a feature-length science fiction thriller, set in a world ruled by Bitcoin and the Blockchain.....
Recreating legacy systems on top of bitcoin is not the goal — designing to engage individuals in new ways should be.
What is Satoshi’s Place and how is it different then other pixel ad projects? Well, first of all, as you might have noticed, different spaces have a different value on this page. Cheaper ad spaces will be claimed rapidly making the site (and the ads) grow in value with every new advertiser. This hasn’t yet been done as far as I know with a pixel ad site of similar. Secondly, it doesnt use a content management system, thus is far more secure being coded almost entirely in HTML. Also, it looks neat *Evil Grin*. What sparked the idea of Satoshi’s place?
Further exploring the dynamics of Bitcoin and play, we find chaos the necessity for creative potential.
By basing Bitcoin design around self determination versus game mechanics, we lean in to and encourage more naturally-rich learning and creative experiences.