Bitmarkets: Peer-to-Peer Party Escrow and Open Source Marketplace
Online marketplaces openly advertising their semi-anonymity have gotten a bad reputation over the years. Whenever everyday consumers hear “anonymous marketplace,” they immediately think of illegal products and services, and how Bitcoin facilitates these actions. Nothing could be further from the truth where Bitmarkets is concerned though, as this....
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A new decentralised marketplace called Bitmarkets has launched, with privacy-preserving features, a novel escrow system and a requirement for vendors and customers to transact in bitcoin. Bitmarkets is designed to operate over anonymity-preserving network Tor from the start. This is unlike the much talked about decentralised market, OpenBazaar, that launched without native Tor support. The creators of Bitmarkets, a group of four developers and designers, said they integrated Tor because they believe privacy is a "basic human right". "We don't like the possibility of a world where every....
Bitmarkets is s a free and open source protocol and example client for a decentralized marketplace which operates over the Tor network and uses Bitcoin as its currency and Bitmessage as its communications network. Mutual security deposits between buyer and seller on individual transactions are used to ensure incentives are aligned for completing the transaction without the need for either reputation systems or trusted 3rd parties. The urgent importance of distributed and decentralized marketplaces, without central servers that can be shut down by the authorities, has been emphasized as a....
The blockchain has been attracting a lot of attention from startups and established businesses throughout the years. Flip, a peer-to-peer leasing marketplace, is now exploring the boundaries of this technology as well. It has to be said — the Flip marketplace is quite a unique business model. Embracing the peer-to-peer nature of marketplaces is always a....
Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin) CTO Stefan Thomas has announced that, as of today, the source code for the peer-to-peer node behind the Ripple payment network is officially open source. Parts of Ripple, particularly a Javascript-based web client, have been open source for months, but the release of the peer-to-peer "full node", rippled (comparable to Bitcoin's bitcoind) means that the community now, at least in theory, has the entire suite of tools needed to maintain the Ripple network on its own. Ripple is a peer-to-peer digital payment network, similar to Bitcoin in many ways, but with a....
The Journal of Peer Production, an academic publication dedicated to exploring, investigating and promoting what they consider to be the emergence of a new, peer-to-peer, economic model in society, hasannounced a call for papers for a special issue of their journal on the topic of "value and currency in peer production." The Journal of Peer Production has covered a wide range of topics in the area of peer-to-peer economy, ranging fromfile sharing in Sweden tothe emergence of governance in the open source FreeBSD project and evendo-it-yourself biology, and is now looking for answers to one....