The Block Size Drama Continues into 2016 as New Arguments Emerge
The block size debate has had its ups and downs the past few months and really heated up again in December. After the Scaling Workshop event in Hong Kong, many people thought that consensus was getting closer. A new plan called the Segregated Witness concept intrigued a lot of people, and it seemed the community liked the idea. However, things have....
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The Bitcoin block size drama continues, as it has taken yet another interesting turn. Even though F2pool is considering removing their consensus support, the mining pool has also opened up their platform to feedback from individual miners regarding the 2MB block size increase. It is only due diligence to ask the opinion of the people who protect and secure the Bitcoin network every day. F2Pool Asks The Miners What They Think. Despite the Bitcoin block size debate going on for quite some time now, hardly anyone has ever considered asking the miners what they think. Nearly all of the focus....