Learn Smart Contracts in 8 weeks with Ethereum Stream Course
Ethereum is attracting a lot of aspiring and experienced developers who want to explore blockchain technology and smart contracts. Interested parties may want to check out the eight-week Ethereum developer course by Exosphere, called Ethereum Stream. Although eight weeks might sound a bit short to learn everything about the inner workings of Ethereum,....
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With contributions from Zerado, FinTech Network have produced a whitepaper that looks at smart contracts and how they could improve efficiencies within the banking sector. The whitepaper highlights: How smart contracts aim to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and ways they can reduce other transactional and administrative costs. The workings of Ethereum as one of the best examples of smart contracts in practice. Ways that smart contracts could benefit areas such as mortgages, clearing and settlement, KYC & bonds. How challenges with conceptual misalignment,....
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As the developer of a popular blockchain platform, I sometimes gets asked whether Ethereum-like smart contracts are on the MultiChain roadmap. The answer I always give is always: 'No, or at least not yet'. But in the hype-filled world of blockchains, smart contracts are all the rage, so why ever not? Well, the problem is, while we now know of three strong use cases for permissioned bitcoin-style blockchains (provenance, company recordkeeping and lightweight finance), we've yet to find the equivalent for Ethereum smart contracts. It's not that people don't understand what they want smart....
Cointelegraph explains what smart contracts are and how this blockchain-based technology changes the way transactions are made. Cointelegraph's Jackson DuMont tackles smart contracts in the latest episode of Cryptopedia. He explains how smart contracts work from the basics and provides examples of how they can be utilized in real-world scenarios. DuMont describes smart contracts as code within the blockchain that "execute when specific conditions are met." They are self-executing contracts built on blockchain technology and have the power to complete transactions without middlemen. As an....
Smart contracts, a feature of "Bitcoin 2.0" technologies such as Ethereum, could soon operate on the Internet of Things (IoT), control objects in the physical world, and power a new decentralized version of the sharing economy, for example sharing services similar to Uber and Airbnb that operate in pure P2P mode without centralized management. Smart contracts represent a disruptive innovation with a huge potential. In 2001, legendary cryptographer Nick Szabo spoke of smart contracts that solved the problem of trust by being self-executing and having property embedded with information about....