Konrad S. Graf: ‘Bitcoin Is Among The Greatest Inventions In History’
When I initially got into Bitcoin, the first thing I did was apply the new digital currency to the Austrian economics I had learned in the past. Determined to learn the value of Bitcoin and whether or not it was actual money, I spent hours arguing about the subject throughout online forums. Diving down the rabbit-hole of crypto, through droves of....
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Bitcoin.com got the chance to sit down with respected Bitcoin thinker Konrad S. Graf and talk about the ongoing Bitcoin block size controversy. By applying the theories of political economy to the issue, Graf argues that the 1 MB block size limit is economically most similar to a government mandated output ceiling. To get the details on where Graf....
They say women like ambitious men. But men, be advised. Bitcoin is still seen as nerdy more than a sign of ambition. Take it from an expert on relationships who also loves bitcoin. Dr. Jochen Konrad, a dating and relationship specialist well known in Germany, advises men to avoid mentioning bitcoin on a first date. Especially when the woman is not technically inclined. "I think bitcoin should not be discussed by guys because that doesn't really stimulate the imagination of women or deliver any emotional cues," Dr. Konrad said. "I would only recommend even talking about it when she already....
Amazon. AT&T. Bank of America. Goldman Sachs. IBM. JPMorgan. Mastercard. R3. Western Union. Verizon. These are just a few of the corporations which have filed blockchain-related patent applications worldwide. But, what about bitcoin-specific patent applications, not blockchain? Bitcoin Can’t Be Patented. Because Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin....
Purse.io CTO Chris Jeffery has stated Ethereum “is not learning from history” while ignoring the threats to its stability that Bitcoin solved many years ago. Learning From Bitcoin’s Mistakes. In a blog post, the developer requested Ethereum’s developers to “learn from the mistakes, just like bitcoin did.” The post was made in the wake of the DAO hack, in....
Erik Voorhees is among the top-recognised serial entrepreneurs in Bitcoin, which he views as one of the most important inventions ever created. Erik has been at the centre of the Bitcoin movement since April 2011. He is well known for his vocal advocacy of the "separation of Money and State". It seems one of the greatest challenges facing Bitcoin is not technical, but educational. The world is having a hard time coping with its new discovery. Economist and professor Peter Morici, writing for Fox News on 3rd March, has written one of the worst bitcoin articles of the year, and it must be....