Bitsquare Beta Release: The Dawn of DAO Bitcoin Exchanges?
The decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Bitsquare (Bitsquare.io) has released its beta preview via Github on April 22. The official beta release will be launched during the Fab Lab in Barcelona on April 27 after three months of “extensive testing.” Founder of the exchange Manfred Karrer believes the platform is “ripe for a wider audience.” Karrer has....
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The first completely decentralized bitcoin exchange supporting fiat and digital currencies has announced that it will be launching its beta version on April 27th. BitSquare will be launching its beta version of the decentralized Bitcoin exchange later this month. The BitSquare can be used to exchange bitcoin with other fiat currencies as well as altcoins. Founded by Manfred Karrer along with other contributors, BitSquare has been under development for over 2 years. The platform as been undergoing tests in the recent months before it can finally be launched on April 27, 2016. Manfred....
Some things get off to a rocky start. Much like bitcoin itself, which is still facing issues regarding mass acceptance and adoption, a new decentralized exchange known as Bitsquare has not managed to raise the funds its wished for through the crowdfunding platform Lighthouse. The company was originally aiming to raise about 120 bitcoins for the creation of its first milestone. Bitsquare is trying to enable heightened privacy for bitcoin users while at the same time avoiding control from a central authority (a common problem amongst many bitcoin exchanges). Bitsquare team member Richard....
A team of bitcoin enthusiasts is approaching completion of the first stage of launching Bitsquare, a decentralized bitcoin exchange. Bitsquare has been designed to ensure privacy but not be controlled by a central authority like other bitcoin exchanges. Bitsquare is currently seeking 120 BTC for the development of its first milestone through Lighthouse, a crowdsource funding platform. The first phase of the funding campaign ends today (Feb. 9.) and the campaign has only raised 42% of its goal. Whether the campaign will be able to raise the rest depends on the incoming donations today. Need....