OECD: Simply ‘Discussing’ Bitcoin Illegality is Mutually Damaging
On October 26, 2015, The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an organization “created as an economic counterpart to NATO,” held a hearing on disruptive innovation in the financial sector. An unclassified document published as an “Issues Paper” entitled “Refining Regulation To Enable Major Innovations In Financial Market” was prepared by Dr. Sean Ennis, a Senior Economist in the OECD's Competition Division on behalf of the Secretariat (for the 60th meeting of Working Party No. 2) was obtained by CoinTelegraph. The topics discussed were peer-to-peer lending,....
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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a working paper on bitcoin that draws largely positive conclusions about the technology behind the digital currency. The paper, titled 'The Bitcoin Question: Currency Versus Trust-less Transfer Technology', concludes that while there are concerns about bitcoin related to tax evasion, fraud and money laundering, for example, the bitcoin protocol could have a significant role to play in the financial system: "The technology associated with cryptocurrencies could ultimately shift the entire basis of trust involved....
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The third day of WEF 2022 will see the OECD secretary-general share his thoughts on a reimagined global tax system and industry experts discussing DeFi as the future of decentralized governance. Disclaimer: This article is being updated all day long. All timestamps are in the UTC time zone, with updates in reverse order (the latest update is placed at the top).WEF 2022, the first in-person World Economic Forum event since the pandemic started, continues to bridge traditional finance with the future of money on its third day. The Cointelegraph ground team, including editor-in-chief Kristina....
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently published a working paper on bitcoin and the implications of financial trust without intermediaries, authored by economist and Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on Financial Markets at the OECD, Adrian Blundell-Wignall. Entitled 'The Bitcoin Question: Currency Versus Trust-less Transfer Technology', the paper represents one of the first official analyses on bitcoin in the context of contract law, legal tender, and plenary powers. Besides grossly misunderstanding the economic nature of bitcoin, the general....