Still Counting the Results: Bitcoin May Have Larger Voice in Political Campaigns
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) will be ruling on contributions to US political campaigns on April 23. Since no law prevents using crypto-currency in political campaigns, people like Texas Governor Candidate Greg Abbott and the Libertarian party have already accepted donations via Bitcoin. Two draft advisory opinions from PAC Make Your Laws were posted on the FEC’s website available for public comment before today’s meeting. The first draft, posted April 16, more or less would allow political campaigns to accept Bitcoin not as cash donations but rather in-kind donations, use the....
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In late April, the Federal Election Committee (FEC) began its rulings on how to regulate contributions to US political campaigns, if at all. The FEC was given two draft opinions by political action committee Make Your Laws (MYL). The verdict? Bitcoin is in. The FEC ruled 6-0 allowing Bitcoin donations to campaigns, although “MYL must sell the bitcoins it purchases and deposit the proceeds into its campaign depository before spending those funds,” according to an advisory memo to MYL. Donations cannot exceed $100. The value of the bitcoin donation is explicitly addressed throughout the....
The US Federal Election Commission (FEC) has determined that political campaigns and political action committees (PACs) may accept bitcoin as a form of in-kind donation under current federal election laws. The FEC previously delayed a decision on a request for clarification from Make Your Laws (MYL) - an organisation that facilitates political contributions - which sought guidance on how it could go about accepting and using bitcoin donations, as well as general rules for handling digital currencies. In its draft report, the FEC tracks closely with comments made previously by the....
Bitcoin and politics. They may soon go hand-in-hand. Financially speaking, of course. The Federal Election Commission will reportedly consider a request on Wednesday to officially allow political campaigns to accept bitcoin donations in the mid-term elections coming up. The news comes as bitcoin continues its rapid growth and more organizations are embracing the digital currency, which allows for easy transactions less hefty fees charged by traditional card processors. A non-partisan political group by the name of Make Your Laws made the request, which they're hoping will be approved. Make....
Following the unanimous decision yesterday by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to approve the acceptance of bitcoin donations for political campaigns, Democrat Jared Polis has already started accepting bitcoin for his re-election campaign. The campaign committee, Jared Polis for Congress, announced yesterday that the Colorado Representative was one of the first politicians to accept digital currencies. Donations can be made on Polis' website, which was launched shortly after the FEC vote yesterday. In a written statement, Polis said: "I am thrilled that the FEC has chosen to take a....