Facelift: How Decentralized Social Networks Could Make Crypto Cool
Social networking has become ubiquitous throughout much of the world but introduce decentralization, and the traditional network becomes something unrecognizable. The prosaic notion of an ‘egalitarian’ social network, where each user both controls and feels their power within it, on the surface fits well with the notion of decentralized technologies – the blockchain, decentralized ledger and cryptocurrency. Although the latter has only existed in the mainstream for six years or so, in 2015 decentralized networks are already making this notion a reality. Social networks used throughout the....
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Social networks are hot nowadays. Ever since Facebook popped up, the whole concept gained traction, and new approaches are made all the time. They're not always as interesting as the one before, but now and then, we get to see a new social network that tries to stand out in the crowd. Meet Synereo, a next-gen social network that claims to be different. You're the client, not the product. "With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold. The value you create by being a part of the network flows upwards immediately, reaching only a select few: those in....
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“With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold.” Synereo opened their official announcement with the above messaging, a bold statement about the current state of social media. Built to be decentralized, Synereo wants to change social networking for the better, rewarding their user base along the way. Synereo approaches ads on social media quite differently than others currently in the market. Instead of adhering to the traditional model of unsolicited advertisements, Synereo believes user attention is worth paying for.