Rise and Rise of Bitcoin Official Release Oct 10th: Interview with Daniel Mross
The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin debuted at the Tribeca Film Festical earlier this year to high acclaim. The Documentary is scheduled for its official release Friday October 10th, and pre-orders are already available on iTunes. It’s an amazing overview of Bitcoin’s rise to the mainstream filmed during its most intriguing year of existence (2013). The Documentary however, does a lot more than highlight the hype and fear of price fluctuations. It profiles some of the biggest names at the time of filming and it really brings the point home of how quickly this ecosystem evolves. This movie took on....
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The official trailer for the highly-anticipated bitcoin documentary entitled The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin has made its debut today, not terribly long after the community has had a sneak peak of the film. If you haven't heard about the documentary, it features a number of early adopters, of which include Gavin Andresen and Daniel Mross (the older brother of the maker of the film, Nicholas Mross). Notable entities in the community make an appearance, including former Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles, Charlie Shrem, Erik Voorhees. The Winklevoss twins - Cameron and Tyler - also take part.....
The highly-anticipated bitcoin documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin has been discussed time and time again on social media, and yet, most people haven't seen it. It's been screened privately on several occasions, but bitcoin fans can take comfort in knowing that the film is just about ready to make a public release early next month. You can get to viewing the documentary beginning on the 10th of October, and it will be available for $12.99 (payable via iTunes, Bitcoin, and even by credit card). Just in case you've missed news items related to the documentary, here's the official....
The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is without a doubt the most highly anticipated bitcoin documentary of the year (it was even screened at the Tribeca Film Festival). And after long delays in attempts of finding distribution, the film is just about ready to make its public debut. I was given access to view the film before it's available on-demand on October 10th (it's also showing on several screens around the country in cities like New York and Los Angeles this week). Briefly, I'd like to offer my impressions. The film follows Dan Mross, brother of the film's director, Nicholas Mross. Dan's a....
Bitcoin films are just starting to take off into the mainstream. It is exciting to be a part of the early stages of this growing global network - an industry, if you will. Today, Bitcoin is in the middle of its transition from the early adoption to perhaps what we may look back on as the beginning of mainstream acceptance; we've certainly reached mainstream acknowledgement. And with the droves of people hearing about Bitcoin for the first time, there are plenty of questions looking for answers. Setting out to answer them is filmmaker Nicholas Mross and his Bitcoin enthusiast brother Daniel....
Last night I watched and enjoyed The Rise And Rise of Bitcoin. I recommend the film to everyone, to Bitcoin experts and enthusiasts as a useful historical recap and motivation booster, and to newcomers as a good first introduction (newcomers should also read the book "Bitcoin and the Future of Money"). I watched the film with my wife, who isn't into Bitcoin and technology. She found it informative, entertaining and understandable, and gave it a 4 out of 5. I think she gets Bitcoin now. The film is narrated from the point of view of the filmmaker and Bitcoin enthusiast Daniel Mross, and....