CoinDaddy & The Rise Of Asset Vending Machines
Counterparty and Dogeparty are similar protocols built on top of Bitcoin and Dogecoin blockchains, the function of which is to allow any individual user to issue his own store of value or token. The two function basically the same, and any amount of the parent currency can encompass the total value of the shares in a generated asset. They have been used increasingly in recent projects, with the Spells of Genesis game perhaps making the most novel contribution in the form of trading card assets represented on the Counterparty protocol. They also have a more currency-like token called....
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Tom Truitt hasn't been in the vending business a long time. But he knows one of the biggest changes taking place in vending machines found in cafeterias and break rooms is the introduction of cashless payment. And while the vending industry is adopting cashless payment and even mobile payment, Truitt has an even more futuristic vision for vending. He sees Internet cloud-based management of millions of vending machines that accept cryptocurrency. Truitt's company, Philadelphia-based Liberty Vending LLC, is developing a software system that manages bitcoin payments in vending machines. His....
The next-generation of vending machines is one of the many new frontiers Bitcoin is entering as it slowly becomes more mainstream. This is embodied in the newest, and somewhat historical vending machine to hit the market. The first vending machines to legally dispense marijuana flower buds debuted in the state Oregon Tuesday in Seattle. Legally buy Marijuana in Colorado and now Washington. The ZaZZZ machines, as they're called, are being placed in registered medical pot dispensaries in select areas. This is necessary to verify the cannabis customer's age, and identity since medical....
CoinDaddy makes it easy for programmers and people who are new to Bitcoin to immediately create and use crypto 2.0 assets without having to understand a lot about the technology. Jeremy Johnson, the developer of CoinDaddy, has been in software development for over 20 years. He is an early miner of Dogecoin and began the service as a way to keep track of his own assets. When he first learned about the Dogeparty platform, he says he “got a little over-excited” about the possibilities, “burned a bunch of Doge and registered a few thousand assets.” The initial idea behind the site was to be....
Marijuana vending machines have long been rumored to debut en masse in certain US states, but the first machine that can be accessed directly by consumers was finally unveiled at an invite-only event in Colorado last week. Billed as the first marijuana vending machine in America, the ZaZZZ unit is perhaps more accurately described as the first machine that will not be placed behind a sales counter. It offers a number of novel compliance features, including a driver's license reader and a camera that captures video of users. Photo via Liz Ferron, Montana's Smokehouse. ZaZZZ machines also....
As the number of bitcoin-friendly merchants grows, so does the number of items and services users can get for bitcoin. It can now buy you a pricey Alienware gaming laptop, some home furnishings at Overstock or lunch and a couple of drinks in a number of establishments around the world. Here we look at unconventional and cool gadgets that accept bitcoin. They are still few and far between, but they offer a glimpse into the future and demonstrate that digital currencies can augment or even replace cash in the vending machine industry and a few other niches. Smart vending machines have been....