KnCMiner Deploys ‘More Environmentally Friendly’ 16 nm Bitcoin Mining Chips
KnCMiner, a Stockholm-based bitcoin mining hardware designer, has announced today the deployment of its home-designed 3D bitcoin mining 16-nanometer chip. The company said in a press release: Commenting on his company's latest achievement, KnCMiner's CEO Sam Cole, said: The 3D design improves the speed of the processors and dramatically increases energy efficiency, KnCMiner said, adding that "better efficiency results in even more environmentally friendly Bitcoin transaction processing." "Never before in history has this kind of technology seen the light of day. The move down to the 16....
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KnCMiner is offering a bonus speed increase to customers awaiting delivery of its Jupiter bitcoin mining rig. The company said the Jupiter bitcoin mining rig will mine at a significantly higher rate than the 400 GH/s its customers are expecting. "We will not down clock our chips to 400[GH/s], we will release all our machines with the greatest hashing power we can. So yes, the rumors are true - Jupiter will be greater than 400[GH/s] by a significant margin as a free gift from us to all our loyal customers," the KnCMiner team's statement reads. Sam Cole, co-founder of KnCMiner, said the....
KnCMiner have broken all bitcoin mining records by running a 3D Bitcoin Mining chip at 16 Nanometer. This new 16 nm processor, created at scale will bring a new paradigm shift in mining capabilities on the block chain. Mining bitcoin has taken a new step in evolutionary technology. Not only will these chips work for bitcoin, but it is likely for all sha 256 coins. Not only does this new 3D design improve the speed of the processors, KnC state that they also increase energy efficiency. Regarding the impact on the global environment, as some media sources like to hype that block chain....
KnCMiner, a company, based in Sweden, has unveiled their new line of Solar chips which will have a 16 nm process. Currently, most updated chips run on a 20 nm process. 20 nm process chips can achieve the efficiency of .7 W per Gh/s. 16 nm chips are believed to improve the efficiency of mining tenfold, resulting in an efficiency of .07 W per Gh/s. With these specifications, a 1.4 KW miner that could be powered by a standard home outlet could mine at 20 Th/s. KnCMiner’s new chips are planned for launch in Q1 of 2015. With rapid improvements in ASICs, Bitcoin miners will need to continually....
Swedish cryptocurrency mining hardware developer KnCMiner has announced that it has received the first batch of Neptune ASICs, which are the world's first 20nm mining ASIC designs. The company said in a 17th June blog post that this initial batch is currently undergoing testing and optimization. The first products based on the new chips are expected to ship this week, it added. KnCMiner also announced that its preliminary estimates on hashing output and power consumption were accurate, stating: "We've reached our initial targets on speed and power consumption. But, as this is the first day....