UK Head Shop Now Accepting Bitcoin
A British smoke and accessories shop that was already in the running for best store name has announced that it would begin accepting Bitcoin payments. Everyone Does It posted the news in mid-June, claiming to be “the first major headshop to begin accepting Bitcoin as a valid method of payment,” though Devon’s PlutoPete had blazed that trail long ago on the Darknet. EDIT began selling its wares online in 2001 and has since developed a following of ents and herbal enthusiasts. The shop’s owners claim the site gets 50 million views per month. With such numbers in play, it’s worth taking a....
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Another Subway sandwich shop is now accepting payment by bitcoin. The shop, in Allentown, Pennslyvania in the US, is the second bitcoin-accepting Subway to come to light after an outlet in Moscow was found to be offering a 10% discount to bitcoiners. Hints that the shop accepted bitcoin first emerged in a photo of a shop window bitcoin advert for the shop on 8th November. Sceptical Redditors questioned whether the photo was legit: "Anyone could have taped the sign to the window," wrote one. Two days later, on 10th November, video proof was posted by redditor xzclusiv3, showing a purchase....
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The number of things you can buy with bitcoin has just become a little bit bigger. Now you can add Subway sandwiches to your list of bitcoin-friendly products. If you live in Russia, that is. What's more, the Moscow-based Subway shop is offering a 10 percent discount for customers who are savvy enough to pay with the digital currency. The shop is likely the first Subway sandwich shop anywhere in the world to accept bitcoin payments. The advertisement appears in a photo tweeted on 3 November by bitcoin software developer Alberto Gomez Toribio. He says the photo was taken by a friend who is....
Subway is quickly becoming the bitcoin fast-food franchise, albeit unwittingly and unofficially. A third Subway sandwich shop, following the lead of shops in Moscow and Allentown, Pennslyvania, is now accepting payments from customers bearing bitcoin. The latest outlet, this time in Bratislava, Slovakia, has accepted bitcoins since 13th November, when the first payment was made to the wallet associated with the shop. Since then, a modest five payments have been made. With now three Subway shops across the world accepting bitcoin, questions are beginning to be asked about whether it is....
In response to customer requests, one of Mexico's largest coffee shop chains has begun accepting bitcoin at a university coffee shop. The Café Punta del Cielo coffee shop at the Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP) has begun accepting bitcoin payments through Bitso, a Mexican bitcoin exchange. Café Punta del Cielo is a gourmet coffee producer and distributor operates more than 100 coffee shops throughout Mexico. The agreement marks another stage of growth for BitsoPagos (BitsoPay) since the Bitso-based merchant service business launched this past February. Another Payment Option For....