The Alt-Cracks: Altcoin Stories That Slipped Through The Cracks
Today we are starting a new feature, The Alt-Cracks. With a near endless stream of altcoins on the market, altcoin related stories are similarly endless. The Alt-Cracks, and yes, we realize the name is a little funny, will be an attempt to pick up all the stories in the altcoin space that either didn't necessitate their own story or for another reason, fell through the cracks. By no means is it intended as a comprehensive list. The altcoin space is endless. We will miss some stories, and we welcome any leads by altcoin devs, community leaders or users. Likewise, stories covered in their....
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The second week of the Alt-cracks is a little late in coming, but as dozens of developers of dozens of coins tell their communities when features miss their target release date: better late than never. Darkcoin Exploit Discovered. Today, we have problems arising after Darkcoin's Darksend went open source, Charlie Lee dropping big hints about Litecoin, Unobtaium celebrates its birthday and a few releases and NXT is prepping for a big October. Darkcoin has been in the news a lot recently. First there was the price crash, then the price jump as it went open source. Now, we are seeing the....
Welcome to the new Alt-Cracks column on its new day: Thursdays. The main reason for the move is because I am selfish. I want the clicks and the eyeballs that come from bored crypto-maniacs browsing CoinTelegraph while pretending to work. Those views are important to me, because as a writer, I am constantly seeking validation and arbitrary viewership and sharing numbers is the only measuring stick we have in the online publishing industry. This week we have the NSA thwarting KoreCoin Anon VoIPA calling system, a BlueCoin Giveaway lasting until Halloween, a potential scam jumps on the....
Mike Hearn has become one of the most respected developers and leaders behind the Bitcoin project in his five year tenure. Someone who is not afraid to point out the cracks in the paintwork, which is certainly what he has done with resignation blogpiece. With Mike Hearn’s blogpost and the subsequent media interest, a flurry of activity is happening in the Bitcoin space. Mike Hearn has become one of the most respected developers and leaders behind the Bitcoin project in his five year tenure. Someone who is not afraid to point out the cracks in the paintwork, which is certainly what he has....
This week on the altcracks, we have a new feature. Coins newly listed on Bter, Cryptsy, C-Cex and Bittrex will be listed at the end of the article. Next week, depending on your reaction, we may include coins being removed or at risk of being removed from each major market. That information is a little harder to find, so let me know in the comments if you would be interested in it. This week, we have the debut of the NXT powered Nxtty chat and community app, XC members are wondering what is happening with the coin's developer premine, Ripple and Cryptsy are having issues, and Quark gets....
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