Kim Dotcom Says ‘Greece Will Crash Market; Buy Bitcoin and Gold’
In a tweet on June 20, the 41-year-old Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom advised his followers to invest in either Bitcoin or gold, claiming that values will rise once Greece prompts the global market to crash again. Dotcom is not stranger to controversy. He is best known for his now closed file storage and viewing service Megaupload. Formerly known as Kim Schmitz, he recently won a court decision preventing the U.S. government from seizing his property. Dotcom has been advocating on social media for the use of digital currency for quite some time now. As with most of his tweets, this one....
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On June 5, 2022, the entrepreneur and activist known as Kim Dotcom published a post on Twitter and said it “may be the most important thread” he ever makes concerning a major global collapse. In the thread, Dotcom specifically highlights the American economy and he claims the “U.S. is beyond bankrupt.” Dotcom also talked about the “Great Reset” topic and how a “New World Order” aims to “shift into a new dystopian future where the elites are the masters of the slaves without the cosmetics of democracy.”
Kim Dotcom....
An extradition trial over Kim Dotcom and three colleagues in Auckland, New Zealand began on Monday amid controversy. He even brought his own chair. Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom appears in court to fight U. S. extradition: http://t.co/eERBd8Wct8 pic.twitter.com/INmk6e4QCb. - Reuters Tech News (@ReutersTech) September 21, 2015. Dotcom, along with two executives for file-sharing site Megaupload, were indicted by a grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia. The indictment, dating back to January 2012, led to a FBI shutdown of Megaupload and then a dramatic raid at the Internet....
Kim Dotcom has revealed the reason for delaying his Megaupload 2/ Bitcache unveiling was due to a failed merger with a Canadian company SecureCom. Dotcom had promised the reveal Jan. 19 but said that there had been an “expected hiccup.” He added that there was “nothing to worry about” and it was “just more of the same.” However, it later became clear that information about the projects would not be forthcoming until later, with Dotcom promising “screenshots” of Bitcache in February. Dotcom: ‘Go get some Bitcoin’. He added that Megaupload 2 was “the game changer the Internet is waiting....
On Wednesday, the digital entrepreneur Kim Dotcom took to Twitter and talked an awful lot about the stark differences between bitcoin fees and bitcoin cash fees. While tagging Tesla’s Elon Musk in the thread, Dotcom explained that more than half the payments in the world are under $10 and the Bitcoin Cash network is “serving the mass market, [and] not just the 1%.” Kim Dotcom: Bitcoin Cash Serves the Mass Market On March 24, the cryptocurrency community was ecstatic to hear about Tesla accepting bitcoin (BTC) for payments. Following the announcement from Tesla’s....
Kim Dotcom could takeover the Internet with Bitcoin. Internet Entrepreneur Kim Dotcom was recently interviewed by Max Keiser, and the topic of Bitcoin eventually became the focal point of the discussion. When asked whether or not he was a believer in Bitcoin, Kim stated that the digital currency could become "one of the most important methods of transferring assets over the next decade". Kim Dotcom's MEGA accepted bitcoins as payment on their first day of operation, and it would make sense for the Internet tycoon to make similar choices with his other ventures in the near future. With Kim....