NSA-Friendly CISA Bill Easily Passes U.S. Senate; Snowden Attacks

NSA-Friendly CISA Bill Easily Passes U.S. Senate; Snowden Attacks

The largest tech companies in the world, from Google and Apple, to Reddit and Twitter, issued statements condemning the cyber-security bill called CISA, but to no avail. CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015) easily passed through the U.S. Senate’s vote on Tuesday, creating a new avenue for consumer data sharing that benefits anti-privacy entities like the NSA, reports The Guardian. The vote was attended and levied by 95 of the 100 U.S. Senators, as five either abstained or missed the voting process entirely. The five Senators who didn’t vote were Cruz (R-TX), Graham (R-SC),....

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