Another US Secret Agent to Plead Guilty to Silk Road Bitcoin Theft
Carl Force, a 46 year old member of Baltimore’s Silk Road task force and former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent has finally plead for an agreement with prosecutors. Amidst the shutdown of the online dark marketplace Silk Road, Force was accused for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of bitcoins confiscated from the online dark marketplace and for transferring it to his own personal bank account instead of seizing it as a government property. The criminal complaint filed against Force on March 25 by an IRS agent Tigran Gambaryan read: “FORCE stole and converted to....
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In March of 2015, two federal agents who helped conduct one of the major investigations in the Silk Road case allegedly stole thousands in bitcoin confiscated from the online dark marketplace. The two agents, Shaun Bridges and Carl Force from the Drug Enforcement Administration and the U. S. Secret Service, were charged with several offenses including wire fraud and money laundering. This week, Bridges, a special agent for the U. S. Secret Service for the Silk Road case, has come to an agreement with the prosecutors and pleaded guilty for the theft of confiscated bitcoin from Silk Road.....
Shaun Bridges, the former Secret Service agent who pleaded guilty to stealing more than $800,000 in bitcoin while investigating Silk Road, is suspected in two other theft cases, according to a recently unsealed affidavit, Reuters reported. Bridges is believed to have stolen $700,000 of bitcoin from a Secret Service account three months after the agency was urged to remove his access to the account. The Secret Service did not move the funds, and later learned the funds were stolen. The theft was discovered after a court ordered the agency to pay claimants for their losses. The former Secret....
The US government believes that a former Secret Service agent convicted of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin during the investigation of Silk Road may have been involved with additional thefts from the now-defunct online dark market. Ex-Secret Service agent Shaun Bridges was sentenced to nearly six years in federal prison after pleading guilty last year to money laundering and obstruction charges tied to the theft of more than $800,000 in bitcoin from the Silk Road during the US government’s investigation. Bridges was re-arrested in late January on suspicion that he was....
US Secret Service special agent Shaun Bridges will plead guilty to charges of money laundering and wire fraud stemming from the government investigation into the illicit online black market Silk Road. Details first emerged of Bridges' alleged improper actions in March, when court documents revealed that Bridges had diverted $800,000 in digital currency to his personal bank accounts without authorization. Bridges was charged alongside Carl Mark Force IV, a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent also working on the case. Notice of the agreement was filed in the US District Court....
Ross Ulbricht, founder of the infamous Silk Road drug market, will be remembered as one of bitcoin’s most relevant contributors, a man that grew bitcoin’s relevance to extraordinary levels, and became instantly popular following his arrest. Silk Road was a dark net market that ran on the TOR Network. At its peak, Silk Road accounted for 70% of all dark net drug sales. People wondered whether Ulbricht’s arrest was justified; consequently, his prison sentence became controversial as well. In the midst of the controversy it was later discovered that federal agents infiltrated the....