![Good Morning Vietnam! World’s First Coffee Producer Accepting Bitcoin](maxthumb/725_aHR0cDovL2NvaW50ZWxlZ3JhcGguY29tL3N0b3JhZ2UvdXBsb2Fkcy92aWV3L2EzY2NmOTA4OGZkMDUzMTBlOWFkNWExZGI2NjlhMWJlLnBuZw==.jpg)
Good Morning Vietnam! World’s First Coffee Producer Accepting Bitcoin
International premium gourmet coffee producer Pihatt Coffee has officially begun accepting bitcoin payments on the company’s online store. Pihatt Coffee, a wholly owned subsidiary of Linker International Corp. has been the prominent provider of authentic and distinctly unique coffee species grown in ancient basaltic mountains of Caudat and Di Linh of Vietnam, including Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Caltimor. Cultivated at 1,500 meters above sea level, Pihatt Coffee offers premium high-grade Arabica and Catimor coffee beans grown from nutrient-rich soil and perfect temperate climates. As....
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