Cointelegraph at Bitcoin 2014
Big video report about Bitcoin 2014 from CoinTelegraph coming soon. Here is a little teaser for all our readers and new visitors alike.
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Bitcoin 2014 was an event that attracted a vast number of businesses from different fields and with different goals for the conference, but all united by the idea of cryptocurrency. To find out what they were all up to we, CoinTelegraph, approached everyone we could reach to ask them the same two questions: “Who are you?” and “What are you doing here?” Here is the video that came as a result of our conversations with the following companies:
[Update: We are being told that the 1:1 exchange idea was shot down by the BitBay community, deciding instead to rebrand]. Note: The currency mentioned in this article is called BitBay and should not be confused with the Poland-based Litecoin and Bitcoin exchange that shares the same name. [2014-11-03 1:38:58 PM] *** International Rob has shared contact details with linhan.ee. *** [2014-11-05 11:06:03 AM] *** Call to linhan.ee, duration 13:43. *** [2014-11-11 9:36:33 AM] linhan.ee: Hi bob, would you please let me know your deposit account? [2014-11-11 9:37:14 AM] International Rob:....
BitcoinExpo 2014 is the place where the growing influence of China, western traditions and technological innovation will all come together under one roof in Shanghai on September 19-21, 2014. BitcoinExpo 2014 will not only be one of the biggest Bitcoin related events but one of the "most accessible of all events" with a lot to offer to the whole crypto community and CoinTelegraph is proud to announce that it will be the official media partner of the event. Organizers of the Central European Bitcoin Expo that was held in Vienna at the end of May already proved that they have a great ability....
CoinTelegraph spoke to Tim Draper at Arctic15 about how Blockchain and Bitcoin are changing everything in our lives, and also what the billionaire VC is actually doing with his thousands of Bitcoin. Tim Draper is known for being the 'Nostradamus' of the markets with an incredible track record of correctly predicting the future. He loves Bitcoin, and in 2014 he predicted that the price per Bitcoin would hit $10,000 USD by 2018. We met with Draper at Nordic startup event Arctic15 in Helsinki (where he was invited as a key speaker) to learn whether he was still as optimistic and enthusiastic....
The beginning of 2014 looked anything but bright for Bitcoin and cryptocoins in general. The Chinese had justissued a ban on cryptocurrencies with its banks and Mt. Gox losses were beginning to add up. But on 27 January, 2014 the news seemed bleak indeed. The Bank of Russia released a statement that Bitcoin was considered a money substitute and that exchanging money substitutes for official currency would be considered suspicious. But since that time the Kremlin seems to have relaxed its stance somewhat and now the First International & All-Russian Conference will be held in St. Petersburg....