Exclusive interview with Blocksign – A New Way to Sign Documents
Modern scholars agree that one of the earliest systems of writing appeared in Sumer in the late 4th millennium BC as a way to keep account of inventories and record transactions. Humanity sure has come a long way from signing records on clay tablets. Now a new service called Blocksign allows anyone to sign legally binding documents and preserve records on the blockchain. This technology is very disruptive and has the potential to render notaries and other record keeping industries – obsolete. Blocksign is a service that lets people digitally sign legally binding documents and preserve a....
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The Blockchain creates and records all digital currency transactions using mathematics. The Bitcoin blockchain uses the computing power on Earth to solve these math problems that confirm transactions made using the digital currency Bitcoin. As many are familiar with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, many people still don't understand blockchain's other uses. The blockchain saves aspects of each transaction made using the currency; small transactions can be made in which information is stored. This allows for the possibility of signing and permanently recording legally binding documents.....
A new company, BlockSign, lets customers digitally sign legally binding contracts and preserve them in the public domain. Running on the block chain, the decentralised public ledger that records transactions on the bitcoin network, the BlockSign platform provides a way to sign, timestamp and later verify documents on the web. How BlockSign works. From a user perspective, BlockSign works as a web application. A PDF signed with the program will indicate where a signature is to be placed, and the user places a stamp in a stylized font there. Into this signature is encoded an email address and....
CoinAcademy is a new digital currency education site, which helps you learninh about bitcoin, and other altcoins in general. It’s main focus is spreading knowledge on bitcoin and other currencies, to explain how they function, and how each one of them is unique. If you are new to cryptocurrency, and just want a basic idea of what it is, and how it works, then CoinAcademy is the right place for you. For more details please visit: http://coinacademy.co A new service called Blocksign, allows anyone to sign legally binding documents and preserve records on the blockchain. Blocksign uses the....
We have prepared an exclusive interview with Professor Emin Gün Sirer, a revered and highly educated personality in the digital currencies sphere since its beginning. His work has been on our agenda for quite some time now and we were looking forward to get an exclusive approach with him; his remarkable work in peer-to-peer technology and the hacking scene has not come unnoticed. Also, his articles over the digital currency field are indeed a reference. He has been in the front of Bitcoin discussion and his opinion is of great importance for the community. Now, for the interview:
Today, we have a very special interview to share with our viewers, exclusive to Bitcoinist. An interview regarding UROSE and that hopefully answers some questions you’ve been having or issues regarding attendance to the event in Hong Kong. The event is being funded by the Nation Import/Export Representative members, but emerged as an idea by the URO foundation. For those unaware of what URO is, here is an interview hosted by bitcoinist regarding the coin itself as this interview mainly focuses on the event that will take place in Hong Kong. Without further a due, the interview: A: The URO....