Storj, The New Decentralized Storage Solution
There is a new idea out there, proposed by Shawn Wilkinson, Tome Boshevski & Josh Brandof, that if you have unused disk space on your HD that you should rent it out. It is a great idea and the concept may have a whole range of implementations. Let us take a closer look at what the 3 visionaries are exactly saying. The 3 guys describe their endeavor in the “white paper” as such: The theory behind the idea of “to rent out your unused HD space” is solid as a rock. However there are some real life problems cropping up with this strategy. The persecution of illegal downloads that certain....
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Storj is today's Random Coin of the Day as it offers decentralized file storage. Users earn Storj coins by offering the extra space on their hard drive for Storj's file storage. People who host their files on Storj are the only ones who may access their files as it depends on the same blockchain technology every coin relies on for its security. MetaDisk is being developed for people looking for cloud storage, and DriveShare is being developed for those who wish to offer their hard drive space for the Storj network in exchange for Storjcoins. Storj Exclusive Interview. I conducted an....
An early screenshot of Storj. The next-generation decentralized cloud storage project is nearing alpha release. A few months ago, I started reading about Bitcoin 2.0. Technology cannot stand still and, if you want it to become bigger, it is imperative that people keep developing. Because of Bitcoin's open-source nature, this development is forever ongoing. Yesterday, Kyle Torpey reported on sidechains and what they could mean for Bitcoin and the vast collection of altcoins. It's safe to say the whole community is very excited about this idea. While these are somewhat troubling times for....
The founder and head developer of Storj, Shawn Wilkinson, is one of those admirable individuals leading the charge of decentralization with their chosen battlecry – “decentralize everything!” He is on a mission to provide cheaper, more secure, peer-to-peer decentralized cloud storage to the masses. He hosted a Google Hangout/IRC Q&A sessionWednesday where interested parties got a glimpse of the current state of Storj development along with what we should expect for the future. You can read more about the MIT licensed open source Storj project here, but in a few sentences, Storj provides a....
The Storj website got an overhaul and now you can apply for early beta access to their platform. Storj is an amazing new decentralized storage service where you can pimp out your hard drive for SJCX (Storjcoin X) or claim your encrypted storage space in the decentralized cloud. You may apply for early beta access today if you meet the requirements of one of three of their test groups. Also read: Storj: next-generation cloud storage through the blockchain. Storj Early Beta Access. There are three test groups open to you. If you qualify for a test-group, you'll have access to decentralized....
Storj, the decentralized cloud storage platform has launched its beta version in an event at Salt Lake City.