Social Networks and Decentralization: the Synereo Case
The advent of crypto currencies and its inherent technologies have brought us a new and long string of innovation along with a newborn industry teaming with activity and replenishing of new business opportunities. Crypto currencies and decentralization as its core fabric have enabled the use of sensitive applications with the sole purpose of stretching the boundaries of communication channels thus allowing freedom of speech. On an internet controlled by ISP’s, bombed by a growing and constant surveillance, the concept of privacy is increasingly being taken out and turned into an obsolete....
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“With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold.” Synereo opened their official announcement with the above messaging, a bold statement about the current state of social media. Built to be decentralized, Synereo wants to change social networking for the better, rewarding their user base along the way. Synereo approaches ads on social media quite differently than others currently in the market. Instead of adhering to the traditional model of unsolicited advertisements, Synereo believes user attention is worth paying for.
Social networks are hot nowadays. Ever since Facebook popped up, the whole concept gained traction, and new approaches are made all the time. They're not always as interesting as the one before, but now and then, we get to see a new social network that tries to stand out in the crowd. Meet Synereo, a next-gen social network that claims to be different. You're the client, not the product. "With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold. The value you create by being a part of the network flows upwards immediately, reaching only a select few: those in....
Synereo is back in the spotlight with another crowdsale, which is being coupled with the release of the alpha model of their decentralized social media platform. The crowdsale has been much covered, and is really nothing new, but their social network and the technology behind it still appear to be widely misunderstood. This is the first of a two-article series designed to change that. Synereo has been around for a little while, and raised the equivalent of $126,000 in their initial AMP crowdsale last year. Since then, they’ve been relatively quiet, and I was surprised to hear they plan to....
A new bitcointalk thread is currently raising issues which basically make comparisons between Steemit and Synereo. Though virtually every project in the industry has had some random allegations against them, the thread which was started on Friday August 19 was supposedly prompted by the recent announcement by Synereo that its Alpha version will be going online next month. Steem is the digital currency behind the Steemit social media platform which rewards content posters and voters online. Steemit was recently hacked with some accounts compromised. Steem overtook The DAO to be the world’s....
Dor Konforty is the CEO of Synereo, a “next generation” decentralized social network that incorporates blockchain technology to overcome problems associated with centralized social networks such as privacy, security and commodification of users’ personal data. Konforty is an expert on collaboration via the net, and the wisdom of crowds. He has a master’s degree in neurobiology from an interdisciplinary brain research program in Tel-Aviv University. He is also a graduate of the Israeli Air Force computer unit and has been heavily involved in cryptocurrency since early 2011. “5 years from....