Latest uTorrent Release Installs Unwanted Bitcoin Miner
It seems that the popular p2p download application uTorrent has included in its latest update a “malicious” piece of software that uses your computer’s processor to mine bitcoins. This news spread all over media and social networks and was met with concern by uTorrent users. uTorrent and Bitorrent have been claiming that this malicious app called EpicScale was not installed silently and that users were informed during the installation process. However, several other reports have proven otherwise. Epic Scale is a mining software specially designed to use a portion of the victim’s CPU cycles....
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The new update of the popular torrent client uTorrent is installing a garbage app EpicScale which, according to some virus scanners, is a Bitcoin mining software. The unwanted program was recently highlighted at uTorrent's complaint forum where a member informed about an autonomic installation, attached within the uTorrent's latest software build. "When I updated uTorrent to version 3.4.2 build 28913 (32-bit) this morning it silently installed a piece of software called EpicScale," the member remonstrated. "There was no information about this during installation and I did opt out of your....
In its last outing, popular torrent clint uTorrent was heavily criticized for secretly attaching a Bitcoin mining application in its update. However, the company seems to be trying to win back the trust of its lost followers, indicates their latest blogpost. As per uTorrent's latest note, it has re-released their much criticised version after cancelling their partnership with Epic Scale, the company that created the aforementioned Bitcoin miner. It reads: "The Epic Scale Partner offer has been permanently suspended [from the new version]. This means that as long as you are downloading....
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BHUNT Malware Spotted in the Wild
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