Coinkite Now Enables You To Send Bitcoin Via SMS Worldwide
Many people see Bitcoin as just another way to send digital payments while it is about so much more than just money or even the financial aspect of Bitcoin and its technology. The main ideology of Bitcoin is to create an independent and equal financial infrastructure for everyone on this planet, especially those with no access to bank accounts. Bitcoin – Financial Equality For All. The financial aspect of Bitcoin is taking the center stage in most of the discussions, as its the only aspect people enjoy talking about. But Bitcoin wouldn’t be so interesting were it not for its underlying....
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Leading bitcoin platform, multi-signature vault service provider and bitcoin merchant payment processor Coinkite has launched a new API feature called “Advanced Send Command,” which allows bitcoin developers to send a transaction with powerful additional parameters required for specialized bitcoin applications. Coinkite’s new command enables users to send a payment for up to 1,000 bitcoin addresses at once. This service called “Multisend” has been designed to help the company’s supporting startups to send mass payments to its customers in a traceable way. At the request of its customers,....
CCN just interviewed the first company to market a Bitcoin point of sale (POS) system, Coinkite. Coinkite offers merchants the ability to accept Bitcoin through Coinkite terminals, as well as their own API (Application Programming Interface), which allows merchants to build robust check out systems for everything from online shopping carts to pizza restaurants. For shoppers, Coinkite offers their own Bitcoin debit card. You might remember Coinkite and how easy it is to use, from one of our stories back in January this year. Coinkite has recently revealed an Onion for Tor, as yet another....
CoinKite today announced some new features that are sure to please their customers. The Toronto, Canada-based company outlined in a blog post that users can now send both bitcoin and litecoin via email and create bitcoin and litecoin vouchers. On the email front, it's exactly as it sounds. The sender sends the desired the amount, and CoinKite alerts the recipient via email. The recipient doesn't even need a wallet right away to get the email. They can set it up afterward to redeem the amount sent. With regard to vouchers, which is slightly more interesting, users can share them by email,....
Email bitcoins with Coinkite! They have developed a process that will feel more comfortable for PayPal users that are considering Bitcoin and other Cryptos as a form of payment online. Email has been native to the PayPal process from the beginning and now we can send Cryptos in the same manner, safe and secure. Add the voucher feature to the mix and Coinkite has just made using Bitcoin as easy as email, even for the non-technical merchants/sellers. Separating the user from the technical inner-workings of the Crypto payment process has been Coinkite's theme since the geginning. Their....
Toronto, Canada-based CoinKite has today announced the arrival of their "Wallet-as-a-Service" API, according to a post published on the company's official blog. This new API will allow merchants to get another degree of control over their service, allowing them to view account balances, transactions, send funds, create vouchers, monitor deposits, and more. Also interesting is the ability to allow these merchants to "drive" their terminals remotely, allowing them to do things like print receipts with customized information on them (as an example, listing the toppings on a pizza - if it's a....