Bitcoinist Weekly News Re-hash: $300 Rally, Carl Force Goes to Prison
The markets sprang into action this week, with the price rising steadily during a build-up to a massive rally at the end of the week. This price explosion comes while eyes are still glued to global markets, worried about a Chinese slowdown. However, it appears as if some profit taking began at the end of the week, suggesting some possible downward movement in the days to come. October 19, 2015 started our week with the Bitcoin price at $262.90. This Monday saw a slow climb on the markets, reaching a peak of $266.01 at 9 AM, and then hitting a lull in activity that lasted until the night.....
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Former U. S. federal agent Carl Force has been sentenced to 78 months in prison. The sentence is substantially more than the four years of prison time sought by his attorneys while less than the 87-month prison sentence requested by U. S. prosecutors. After pleading guilty to bitcoin theft and extortion during the government investigation of dark web drug marketplace Silk Road, rogue federal agent Carl Force IV has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison after admitting to charges of money laundering, extortion and obstruction of justice. Force's defense claimed mental health....
Carl Mark Force IV was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison today. While Force's defense asked for a sentence beneath statutory guidelines as it contended that Force's behavior was caused by alcoholism and mental health issues, Judge Richard Seeborg is said to have been highly skeptical of this excuse. In addition to the prison sentence, Force will need to pay $340,000 in restitution. Thanks to Motherboard's Sarah Jeong (@sarahjeong) for reporting on the scene. The U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California is set to sentence 46-year-old Silk Road investigator Carl Mark Force....
This piece has been updated with additional information about the case and a correction to a quote attributed to Judge Richard Seeborg. Corrupt federal agent Carl Force IV has been sentenced to 78 months, or six and a half years, in federal prison. The sentence is less than the 87-month sentence the US government had requested for the former Drug Enforcement Agency agent. Force was part of a Baltimore, Maryland-based federal task force investigating the online dark market Silk Road. As part of the task force he worked undercover on the Silk Road under the alias "Nob", developing a....
The Bitcoin community will feel relieved; the corrupt former US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officer Carl Mark Force has been sentenced to 78 months (6 years and 6 months) for his crimes. As per a Reuters report, Force has also apologized to the American public and to his family saying that he was sorry and that he lost it and also that he failed to understand a lot of it. But the judge Richard Seeborg described his betrayal as 'breathtaking' and handed him a prison term which is still 9 months shorter than what the government had demanded. As per a Bloomberg report the Judge....
Tainted former US Drug Enforcement Administration officer Carl Force has pleaded guilty to extorting Bitcoin from online drug marketplace Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht. According to his 16-page plea agreement, Carl has pleaded guilty to money laundering and obstruction of justice, Forbes reported earlier today. Carl is scheduled to be sentenced on October 19 and faces a maximum of 20 years in prison. Assistant Attorney General Caldwell said, "While investigating the Silk Road, former DEA Agent Carl Force crossed the line from enforcing the law to breaking it." He added that, "Seduced by....