DECENT Ensuring Freedom of Speech with the Help of "Guardians"
First, we must establish the definition of DECENT. DECENT is a decentralized platform via P2P network that allows the publishing of any text, picture, video or music content without any restrictions imposed by third parties. In accordance with their platform, the team behind Decent has goals relevant to liberty, decentralization, all the human rights pertaining to every single human. Supporting this, a quote from the DECENT team: “DECENT believes that every single person regardless the country of origin, state system, religion or culture has the right to spread and receive information and....
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DECENT is a new decentralized content distribution platform that is open source and utilizes blockchain technology, ensuring trust and security. The project intends to obsolete third parties in the way content is delivered to consumers, eliminating censorship. DECENT, a blockchain-based content distribution platform, announced the date of the DECENT token (DCT) sale: on September 10, investors will be able to purchase a stake in the novel blockchain-based platform. According to the official website, DCT will be used in the publishing and buying process on DECENT Platform. [this] allows....