Is Margaret Runchey The Real Satoshi Nakamoto?
Depending on who you pose the question to, the Bitcoin creator is either Satoshi Nakamoto or somebody else entirely. The latest person allegedly deserving credit for the creation of Bitcoin and blockchain technology is Margaret Runchey, as the apparently invented Bitcoin. After all, her Model of Everything resembles the blockchain by quite a margin, and finding out information about this person is quite the daunting task. Time For Another Satoshi Nakamoto Theory. August 18, 2007, is a paramount date for some people, whereas others might have no idea why that particular day has any level of....
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In a recent blog post, a new individual has been brought into the limelight as a possible identity behind the alias behind Bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto. A web developer by the name of Aaron Alan Alexander posted on his Medium blog and Zapchain about his potential findings that a woman named Margaret Runchey is possibly the creator of Bitcoin. In Alexander’s post he writes about how Runchey authored a distributed systems architecture which relies on digital signatures that use a series of unified constraints including timestamps and geolocational data. This creates a form of multiple mints....
Bitcoin was first introduced in a paper by "Satoshi Nakamoto" back in 2009. Since then the cryptocurrency rose to fame and inspired a lot of bitcoin-based startups to set up shop, potentially revolutionizing the financial industry. However, not much has been said about the real identity of who introduced this concept in the first place. Satoshi Nakamoto was known to communicate with other bitcoin enthusiasts only through email, never in person or by phone. By 2011, all communications from him ceased. Satoshi Nakamoto from Washington? There have been many speculations on who Satoshi....
The existence of Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous founding programmer behind the Bitcoin project, has long interested artists and writers of all genres. In the below short film produced by Mike Anzel, a real-life Satoshi Nakamoto is sought after in much the same way he is "hunted" in last year's comic, The Hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto. Except in the film, it's not a group of gangster's and cyberpunks hunting the creator, but a news crew. Also read: Bitcoin Film Review: The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014). In order to avoid any spoilers on this very short story, we'll just let you enjoy the....
The Real Satoshi Nakamoto? Image courtesy of Newsweek (http://mag.newsweek.com/2014/03/14/bitcoin-satoshi-nakamoto.html). Newsweek claims to have found and interviewed the Real Satoshi Nakamoto: http://mag.newsweek.com/2014/03/14/bitcoin-satoshi-nakamoto.html. "Quiet, unassuming". Newsweek reporter Leah McGrath Goodman claims to have tracked down Satoshi Nakamoto, 64 and the face behind Bitcoin to his unassuming family home in Los Angeles's San Bernardino foothills. She writes: He is someone with a penchant for collecting model trains and a career shrouded in secrecy, having done....
Satoshi Nakamoto's broke a three year long silence, telling the world he is not Dorian Nakamoto (photo). Every post he made can be found in the database of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. Satoshi Nakamoto remains an obscure figure to most people that are involved in cryptocurrencies. As the creator of Bitcoin, he is the reason we are all here. You would not be reading this article if it weren't for him. Heck, I would not have written this text, and we would probably think virtual currencies could only exist in a galaxy far, far away. Inventor of Bitcoin. However, Nakamoto is real. Whether....