ForexMinute Brings a New Bitcoin News Widget, Calls it Essential an tool for Bitcoin Brokers
Bitcoin news that is updated regularly and frequently helps traders and ordinary visitors know the latest happenings. This feature is now available in a readymade form called the ‘Bitcoin News Widget’ which is being made available by ForexMinute. A source from the online portal says that Bitcoin is a popular trading asset and traders need to know about it.
Jonathan Millet, the founder and CEO of the online portal admits that Bitcoin which traded above $1200 last year and it is all set to reach to new heights this year thanks to its expanding popularity, is being covered a lot these days. However, he says that not many online portals cover Bitcoin news professionally.
He says that ForexMinute on the one hand picks the latest Bitcoin news from around the world and on the other hand, furnishes it in a reader-friendly manner for visitors and traders. Thus, providing Bitcoin news not just to traders but also to website owners in the form of Bitcoin news widget, ForexMinute is helping the community.
Reliable Source for Bitcoin News
Jonathan Millet also says that being a reliable source for Bitcoin brokers’ reviews, its responsibility to bring the most trusted Bitcoin news multiplies and the efforts to bring the latest Bitcoin news widget is an effort to ensure the same thing.
He says that Bitcoin news widget can be installed in the website even by Forex brokerage firms that offer Bitcoin as a trading asset. However, it is definitely a lot important for the websites that are providing Forex news.
About ForexMinute.com
ForexMinute, the world’s leading Forex news and views portal, has become a one-stop solution provider for Forex traders and brokers as well as Bitcoins news and a range of Forex tools. It provides all the required tools to individuals to become a professional Forex trader. Also, it helps Forex brokers provide high-end user-friendly trading experience to traders with an array of resources e.g. financial news by the minute, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, Forex tools and others.
For more information about ForexMinute.com, visit http://www.forexminute.com/ or call +1 800 758 5780.
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