Exploiting The Lightning Bug Was The Ethical Choice
By publicly exploiting a bug on Lightning that could have put users’ funds at risk, the developer was acting in the best interests of Bitcoin node runners.This is an opinion editorial by Shinobi, a self-taught educator in the Bitcoin space and tech-oriented Bitcoin podcast host.For the second time in roughly a month, btcd/LND have had a bug exploited which caused them to deviate in consensus from Bitcoin Core. Once again, Burak was the developer who triggered this vulnerability — this time it was clearly intentional — and once again, it was an issue with code for parsing....
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Are you a hacker? If you are, how are you making use of your skills so far? Do you want to legally continue what you love doing and get paid for it too? If the answer is yes to the first and third question and if you aren't already into it, then you should seriously consider ethical hacking. No, I don't want the answer for second question as I don't want to know about it. In case you are involved in anything considered "illegal", I would suggest you to stop doing it and go legit. Ethical hacking or white hat hacking can be defined as hacking into computer systems and networks by....
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The founder of Lightning company LNPay.co discusses how his API service helps businesses integrate Lightning
Earning sats for the first time is a magical experience and NewsBTC is here to guide you through it. The Lightning Network gave bitcoin real micro-transactions with extremely low fees. That opened up new avenues for the bitcoin network to expand through, avenues that the world is just beginning to explore. In the following text, we will present five projects that pay their users or allows them to get tips from the community. In sats, using the Lightning Network. Unlike most altcoins, bitcoin is truly scarce, has a hard total cap, and wasn’t pre-mined. The rewards that the following....