How Bitcoin Neutrality Is Simply Another Vote for a Crumbling Status Quo
Nearly ten years into failed fiscal and monetary policy experiments, when trust in institutions is ebbing near an all-time low, the rationale for holding bitcoin has never been stronger. Yet, many people are neutral and non-reactive on the matter, giving credence to the current state of affairs instead of challenging the very narrative that is gambling everyones’ future for small gains today. With Inflation Historically Behind the Collapse of Economic Empires, Bitcoin Offers A Way Out Many people point to the last financial crisis of 2008-2009 as the juncture where moral hazard....
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Bitcoin is a payment mechanism designed to level the playing field, driving out unnecessary costs and making it possible for even the lowest income members of society to participate in the economy. But it relies on a free and open Internet to do so. In the US, the rules governing Internet access are changing, threatening net neutrality - the principle that lets everyone use the Internet in the same way. Where would that leave bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? It helps to think of the Internet like a giant switched city road system, with packets of information traveling along it from....
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The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently voted to end "net neutrality," which will allow internet service providers to charge fees for faster connection speeds. Many have decried this decision, although it is still unclear what ultimate effect this will have on the internet service industry. In the meantime, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts-especially those considering an investment in mining equipment-wonder how this decision will affect them. CCN obtained an exclusive interview with the CEO of a prominent mining hardware company to tackle this important issue.....