‘Chinese Invented Paper Money and They Will End It’- Brazil’s Far-Left Praise...
Digital currencies, those issued by central banks in particular, have been commended for their “disruptive nature.” The praise comes from a publication associated with one of Brazil’s far-left parties. A recently published article claims that CBDCs such as China’s digital yuan can radically change global finances and government policies. Digital Yuan to Do Away With America’s ‘Exorbitant Privilege’ Vermelho, a news portal linked to the Communist Party of Brazil, points out that the People’s Republic is the world’s first major economy....
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Brazil’s central bank, the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), is pushing for more time to roll out its central bank digital currency (CBDC). Earlier in May, BCB released a document covering the general guidelines and characteristics of Brazil’s future CBDC. Roberto Campos Neto, BCB’s chief central banker, also stated earlier last year that the country […]
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