Crosswise Multi-Chain Platform Set to Revolutionize the DEX Trading Experience
The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry is made up of multiple disparate projects and platforms that cannot efficiently interact with one another. Today, we have a blockchain world that is in disorder, fragmented, and difficult to scale and synchronize. During the internet era of the early 90s, the internet only went mainstream and boomed when it became affordable for anyone to build websites, apps, stores, and blogs. This is exactly what the blockchain and crypto industry needs at the moment. There have been quite a few projects seeking to turn this around, but it appears Crosswise is....
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PRESS RELEASE. EverRise launches their fifth decentralized application (dApp) today, EverSwap, a multi-chain decentralized exchange (DEX), with a Native Coin Swap feature powered by their cross-chain bridging dApp EverBridge. The Native Coin Swap (NCS) functionality lowers the barrier to entry for those interested in the multi-chain DeFi space by making the cross-chain experience accessible and seamless with fewer steps, fewer fees, and faster transfers.
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