Gaming Cryptocurrency HYPER’s Monthly Counter-Strike Competition An Exclusive Interview With The HYPER Dev
The HYPER Monthly Counter-Strike Blitz is a way for anyone to play Counter-Strike on the HYPER Counter-Strike and HYPER Counter-Strike Global Offensive servers and compete to win a HYPER prize at the end of each month.
Currently players earn cryptocurrency HYPER and points for fragging other players on the servers, and this monthly blitz is designed to give players a long term goal to aim for. The players ranked 1st on each server after 28 days will win 2000 HYPER, the 2nd ranked player 1000 HYPER and the 3rd ranked player on each server 500 HYPER.
Players can register to play and see the current high scores at http://hyper.microngaming.com/hlstats.php
History of development?
The HYPER Counter-Strike servers were launched less than a month after HYPER itself was announced, and started as a part of the HYPER ecosystem where players could play to win HYPER by fragging players, spend HYPER on weapon upgrades and bet on the outcome of Counter-Strike matches (this feature is available now). Our HYPER Counter-Strike server developer Ignatius has many ideas for further development of HYPER game servers. He originally envisioned HYPER would sponsor huge Counter-Strike tournaments that would attract the biggest players in Counter-Strike online. With the rapidly increasing popularity of HYPER due to the new website at http://hypercrypto.com and the media attention we have been receiving on Yahoo Finance, Bitcoinist and from big crypto journalists like David Seaman, and more – HYPER will soon be in a position to sponsor premium Counter-Strike tournaments and attract the biggest names in the industry.
How do you believe the Counter-Strike Blitz will impact HYPER?
The HYPER Counter-Strike Blitz is a way for HYPER to give back to the online gaming community at large, as well as to spread the word about HYPER to as many gamers and Counter-Strike players as possible. The Counter-Strike Blitz will definitely help spread the word about HYPER to many more people contributing to the longevity of the coin. Most importantly it’s also great fun We also have many more HYPER game servers and game projects on the way that I can’t officially announce yet, The HYPER Counter-Strike Blitz is designed to be one part of HYPER becoming the definitive online gaming cryptocurrency with a huge ecosystem within the next 6 months or so.
Where can people go to get involved in the HYPER Counter-Strike Monthly Blitz?
The official announcement was made on the Bitcoin forum at: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg7966466#msg7966466 to get involved players simply log in to the HYPER CS or CS: GO servers. Details (including the player high score list) are available at: http://hyper.microngaming.com/hlstats.php
If anyone needs help they can drop into the official HYPER forums at http://hypercrypto.com/forum or the bitcointalk thread at: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.0
We will be updating the official HYPER website at http://hypercrypto.com/ with more information regarding the HYPER Monthly Counter-Strike Blitz shortly.
For now we are hoping people will get involved and have fun! If you are a game developer please get in touch and we can potentially sponsor you to develop your game idea if you incorporate HYPER. The key focus of all our future development plans is to ensure HYPER has a diverse and unprecedented ecosystem that provides many unique opportunities for gaming, trading and profit.
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