TheArtBoard.EXCHANGE Invites The World To Scan Mona Now
TheArtBoard.EXCHANGE today announced the release of the SCAN MONA NOW SMART TOKEN.
SMART TOKENS are Social Mobile ART tokens that contain embedded coding which is translated and correlated by QR code scanners in SMART devices. QR coding may contain a URL and/or it may contain other dynamic data such as the value of a BitCoin or other virtual currency. SMART TOKENS are used in print and POP (Point Of Presence) Media.
The convergence of the Internet and wireless mobility has given rise to the SMART AGE. As the SMART AGE emerges and evolves, the exchange between SMART TOKENS and smart devices will become ever more dynamic.
SCAN MONA NOW is a “token of appreciation” for classic art and history in this age of hyper digital media.
The Mona Lisa is the most famous and valuable painting in the world today with an estimated value of $1 billion in today's art market, although it was never completed. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the years between 1503 and 1506 in Florence, Italy.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452 and died May 2nd, 1519. He was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diverse genius who ever lived.
TheArtBoard.EXCHANGE asks,
“If Leonardo da Vinci was alive today... how would he master the SMART AGE?”
TheArtBoard.EXCHANGE thinks he would embed dynamic cryptic messages inside art masterpieces. He would master the SMART AGE through Social Mobile ART.
Leonardo da Vinci would surely be at the forefront of the SMART AGE and would utilize all of the artistic and creative tools available to support his genius and diverse talents. In the SMART AGE, that includes coding and dynamically networked hyper media.
Social Mobile ART engages all the resources of the natural and digital world as a platform for creation of an entire new form of art and creativity. All the world's a canvas and all the people are the artist.
TheArtBoard.EXCHANGE is the global exchange of art and culture, utilizing art, social media, mobile and Internet technology and global corporate, political and economic exchange to engage, enlighten and enhance the world.
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