Ambisafe Exits Stealth Mode
Ambisafe, an enterprise blockchain software company has officially launched to the public.
The core of Ambisafe product is a new type of cryptocurrency wallet that is designed for enterprise use. It introduces multi-signature technology to Ethereum smart contracts and colored coins as well as a new standard initiative for blockchain API providers. Ambisafe differs from other blockchain API solutions available on the market in two ways:
1. SaaP distribution model: Ambisafe is a behind the firewall software that companies should install inside their hosting infrastructure.
2. Open plugin architecture: new currencies/asset types can be easily added to the Ambisafe platform by 3rd party developers.
New Industry Standard Initiative
Moreover, with the public release the wallet software, Ambisafe has published a new standard initiative for API providers, called “Supernode Standard Initiative”, which offers a new way the blockchain explorers can make money.
“I believe that what we’ve invented will become a standard approach for cryptocurrency software design and will reshape the industry. It took a year of development and negotiations and we are very excited to see how it takes off. It’s not just a proposal, our system is already being used in several production environments.” - says Andrey Zamovskiy, Founder of Ambisafe.
About Ambisafe, Inc.
Ambisafe is a US-based corporation with headquarters in San Francisco, whose mission is to spread the adoption of the distributed consensus technology. Ambisafe was founded in 2015 by Andrey Zamovskiy and Anton Tovstonozhenko in Santa Monica, CA.
The founders are previously known for being involved with HolyTransaction and making major contributions to multiple other cryptocurrency projects, such as Tether, Expresscoin and others.
Ambisafe, Inc.: http://www.ambisafe.co/
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