Bitcoin Exchange Wallets
In a managed online wallet, everything is controlled by the wallet's provider. You have an account with the provider with a username and password, much like an email account or an internet forum account, and you can log onto your account and send and receive bitcoins from any computer that has internet access. Generally, these services do not maintain....
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Czech Republic-based bitcoin exchange Bitcash.cz has been hacked and up to 4,000 customers' wallets have been emptied. The company's site is currently down, showing only a message informing of the hack, which took place on 11th November. According to Czech news site E15.cz, some 4,000 bitcoin wallets had been opened with Bitcash.cz, with a total value of over 2 million Czech koruna (roughly equivalent to $100,000). A post on the company's Facebook page reads (roughly translated): "Unfortunately, as we have already announced on our website Bitcash.cz, our server was attacked and compromised....
Ascendex, a cryptocurrency exchange, suffered a security breach that allowed hackers to take control of some of the wallets of the exchange. The attack focused on hot wallets, where funds are kept as a buffer to tend to customers’ withdrawals. The company announced that it would reimburse these funds to any affected user. Peckshield, a security and auditing company estimated losses of around $77 million.
Ascendex Hot Wallets Ransacked
Yesterday, Ascendex, a cryptocurrency exchange, reported a security breach caused by a hack attack that focused on the hot wallets of the....
It is hard to keep up with all of the Bitcoin exchanges and wallets in the Bitcoin ecosystem, which is why Bitcoin.com will now have the most comprehensive and extensive catalog of every exchange and wallet following its acquisition of BitcoinX. BitcoinX Helps Pick a Wallet & Exchange. Bitcoin.com is excited to announce its acquisition of BitcoinX,....
According to a tweet by Nejc Kodrič, co-founder and CEO of the European Bitcoin exchange Bitstamp, his team is working on adding support for LedgerHQ and BitcoinTrezor. Vasja Zupan, Bitstamp’s Head of Business Development, confirms this information. Zupan explains to CoinTelegraph that it is a pilot program which will be used to test the response of the users of the exchange. It will be expanded by adding other wallets if it turns out to be successful. Both Ledger and Trezor aim at enabling secure cryptocurrencies, particularly for offline transactions. Why LedgerHQ and BitcoinTrezor? On....
Hong Kong-based bitcoin exchange Bitfinex announced around 5 a.m. EDT today the startup's hot wallets were compromised and some bitcoin were stolen. The exchange also advised its users to immediately stop depositing bitcoin to old addresses in their Bitfinex account. It is unclear how much has been lost in the hack, but according to a company statement, the hot wallets held only 0.05 percent of the exchange's bitcoin holdings. Though still unconfirmed, RedditorgowithBTC followed a string of transactions on the blockchain to what he believes is Bitfinex's hot wallet. If correct, it would....