The Silk Road Report
For better or for worse, Silk Road has been a fixture in the Bitcoin economy ever since the currency first caught the attention of the mainstream media in early 2011. The service is an online black marketplace for goods such as drugs, pirated digital goods, books on topics such as computer hacking and drug manufacture, counterfeits and forgeries,....
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Silk Road may be a thing of the past, but a recent report released by The Digital Citizens Alliance - a non-profit organization focused on Internet safety issues - has revealed that the online drugs marketplace is alive and well and - to quote the report - "darker than ever". The report, put together by Cyrus Farivar, and Ars Technica, focuses on a site called Evolution Marketplace, which has reportedly expanded in the wake of Silk Road's seizing to become the leading online black market for illegal drugs (some suggest that the site had already overtaken Silk Road by the time the latter....
The latest reincarnation of the deep web marketplace, in the form of Silk Road 3.0 is started by the people behind Crypto Market. Will they be able to live up to the expectations? Silk Road is reincarnated for the fourth time. The deep web marketplace is back online after its predecessors were forcibly shut down by the law enforcement agencies resulting in the creator’s arrest and incarceration. Silk Road used to be a network of trade routes traversing through the whole of Asian continent to connect with the Mediterranean Sea. It originally got its name for being the route taken by the....
The FBI shut down black marketplace Silk Road a year ago. This hidden website was used for the sale and purchase of items and services such as drugs, weapons, fake passports and other forged documents. To refresh your memory of the full Silk Road story, check out our interactive timeline below: This article is part of CoinDesk's Silk Road: One Year On series. Keep checking back for new additions to the series. Road. Silk RoadTimelines
If reports are to be believed, a new version of the online drug marketplace Silk Road - "Silk Road Reloaded" - has been launched recently. It is only a coincidence that the new Silk Road's introduction arrived only after the death of its predecessor Silk Road 2. In fact, our research revealed that Silk Road Reloaded was in development for over a year. This somewhat indicates that the makers of previous versions may not be backing this new project after all. And it reflects in the outcome as well. Silk Road Reloaded apparently uses "I2P" instead of the Fed's favorite Tor. I2P stands for....
The deep web black market site Silk Road is known for two things: as a place to buy drugs and other illegal products, and for being an early adopter of bitcoin. However, the site appears to have experienced some unusual troubles recently and some analysts are tying Silk Road's problems directly to bitcoin. Silk Road suffered a lengthy outage in the last 24 hours, apparently due to a denial of service (DDoS) attack. The site has resumed service, but there's speculation that hackers attack places like Silk Road because of the connection to bitcoin (some bitcoin exchanges, notably the....