Icbit.se: Bitcoin Margin Trading Reloaded
Some sources report that Icbit may be engaging in hidden market manipulation against their customers' interests, although there is insufficient evidence to confirm or deny this conclusion. Always tread carefully when trading on the Bitcoin markets. Ever since Bitcoinica shut down following the hack on May 11, the Bitcoin economy has lacked a way of....
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After the collapse of Bitcoinica six months ago, the business of margin trading, a service which at Bitcoinica's peak attracted a trade volume almost as large as that of MtGox itself, disappeared from the Bitcoin ecosystem almost entirely. Since then, there have been a number of disparate efforts to bring margin trading back. Almost as soon as Bitcoinica fell, a company named RingCoin announced Kronos.io, a product which looked like it could be a superior upstart competitor that would not suffer from the security faults of its predecessor. However, kronos.io was never completed, and....
Margin Trading Was The Cause? Some theorize there are whales (people with large enough funds that they can make the market shift noticeably) who are pushing (selling lots of Bitcoins) through margin calls. Margin calls is an element of margin trading. A margin trader can deposit funds in a specified account with a related business - in this scenario, digital currency exchanges. Or specifically some have mentioned Bitfinex. Once a margin trader has deposited her or his funds they receive percent of it back as credit. For example, you deposit $5,000 in Bitcoin and you would have your account....
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As Bitcoin exchanges in China halt margin trading, zero-fee trading may also be on the chopping block as the industry awaits regulation. China Halts Margin Trading Following the inspections conducted by the People’s Bank of China, the country’s ‘Big Three’ Bitcoin exchanges BTCC, OKcoin and Huobi have stopped margin trading services. Although no official statement from the PBoC has been issued regarding the legality of the margin loan services, media reports state that the platforms’ margin trading “violated rules” and resulted in abnormal price volatility. BTCC CEO Bobby Lee reacted to....