The Next Year in Bitcoin: What 2013 Has in Store
2012 has been an exciting year for Bitcoin. We have seen BitPay grow from near-irrelevance to processing transactions for over 2000 merchants around the world, Coinabul expand its gold-selling business from nothing in October 2011 toover 120,000 BTC of gold sold this year, entirely new Bitcoin-accepting businesses likeCoindl andthe Bitcoin Store open....
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Some good news for you Christmas Bitcoin lovers. Bitcoin just won the award "2013's Best Currency of the Year" by Global Post. This is awesome news and could give us a small boost in the positive direction. Hopefully we will win it next year as well. I personally believe that the year 2014 will be the biggest Cryptocurrency year yet to come. Now let's see :-). Here is an excerpt from Global Post: And the GlobalPost 2013 End of the Year Award for Best Currency goes to: Bitcoin. 2013 was the year that Bitcoin, a virtual currency traded anonymously via peer-to-peer exchanges, emerged from the....
Bitcoin’s recent price plunge isn’t quite like late 2013 as many Bitcoin investors and traders assume. In November of 2013, the price trend of Bitcoin was nearly identical with the rally of Bitcoin in the final months of last year. On November 25, 2013, Bitcoin reached a price of $988 on most global Bitcoin exchanges, including Bitstamp. However, when China announced its first “ban” on Bitcoin, the price of Bitcoin dropped 36 percent within 30 days, declining to $625. #bitcoin's current price volatility due to #PBOC is nothing like the November 2013 rise and fall. Orange line = then, Blue....
Bitcoin has a lot of potential for retailers, we've heard. It allows merchants to bypass the big transaction fees of credit card companies, it can make payments more secure, faster, easier, and helps protect customers from identity theft and fraud. But in this early stage in Bitcoin's growth, acceptance has still sparse and the utilization of Bitcoin is far from mainstream still. So when Manhattan got its first in-store Bitcoin ATM, I rushed to get the scoop. Meet Elizabeth DuBois, store owner of Flat128, the British-Vintage merchandise store in the heart of Greenwich Village. From genuine....
Results from the past do not offer guarantees for the future. It's the legal disclaimer that comes with every new financial brokerage account and trading promotion. And for good reason. Because results from the past, do not offer a guarantee for the future. Then again, history tends to repeat itself. Let's take a look at the two most recent Bitcoin bubbles: Bitcoin to USD - Jan 2013 to Oct 2013. Bitcoin to USD - Aug 2013 to Jul 2014. If you superimpose them over each other, a clear pattern emerges: Bitcoin to USD chart - April 2013 and December 2013 bubbles superimposed. The similarity....
Here's a quote you haven't seen in awhile. Some time between June 22nd, 2013 and July 23rd, 2014 Mt. Gox finally removed that quote from the front page of their website. In fact, long before summer of 2013 and even before the light bubble pop of April 2013, Mt. Gox was no longer processing 80% of all Bitcoin trade... Thus began the epic fall of Mt. Gox. Today, according to Bitcoincharts, Mt. Gox is currently the 2nd largest exchange by volume having fallen behind Bitstamp in the last year. One of the major events that has shifted consistent volume away from Mt. Gox is Coinbase switching....