Mega Sidesteps US State Censorship With Bitcoin
Roughly one year ago the FBI forcibly closed Megaupload and proceeded with criminal cases against its owners. They accused Megaupload owner Kim Dotcom of a number of criminal indictments and begun a legal case. Mega (previously Megaupload) is now accepting Bitcoin through two resellers. They are immune to economic censorship through the power of....
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Kim Dotcom is a well-known person in the cyber world as the founder of the now defunct file-sharing service Megaupload. Now, Dotcom is not only creating a new sharing service called Mega 2.0 but has made it well known that Bitcoin will be a major part of the platform. Mega 2.0, Bitcache, MegaNet. The new service that Dotcom has been working on called....
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Mega, a free cloud storage and file hosting service founded by German-Finnish Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has been taken over by a Chinese Fraudster, Hollywood and the New Zealand government, and Dotcom doesn’t think your data is “safe” anymore. Since his resignation as the company’s director in 2013, Dotcom hasn’t taken a management role nor has taken part in the company board. Nevertheless, he has been an outspoken critic of state authority, privacy and the global monetary system. "The company has suffered from a hostile takeover by a Chinese investor who is wanted in China for....
Censorship resistance is still one attribute that seems to have an extreme importance. Before Bitcoin, online merchants were limited to centralized payment hubs, such as PayPal, who were able to prevent certain transactions from taking place over the Internet. In 2011, Bitcoin donations enabled organizations like Wikileaks to easily receive donations. Online Black markets like Silk Road were also able to use the digital currency as a mean of exchange. Today, these two events still are the best illustrations of Bitcoin's usefulness and the ability to present new solutions for old issues.....