WalletBit Team Comes Out With New and Improved Platform BIPS
Adam Harding and Kris Henriksen, the two people currently in charge of the popular Bitcoin payment processing platform WalletBit, have come up with a new and improved merchant platform: BIPS. BIPS brings a number of improvements over WalletBit including a new user interface, an easy-to-use REST API for interacting with the service automatically and, most....
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WalletBit, a payment processor and online wallet that had acquired some attention especially in Canada and Denmark, has announced that it is shutting down on July 15. "Despite sales efforts," the press release reads, "it is now unfortunately discovered, due to a number of factors, that it is not possible to transfer all or parts of WalletBit to a new operator. As a result of that combined with new commitments, it is not possible for us to continue offering services via WalletBit." The shutdown is hardly unexpected. WalletBit has been rapidly declining in popularity for the last few months....
WalletBit has posted their official press release on Reddit and Bitcointalk. Also, the flat rate portion of their bank deposit fees has now been dropped. WalletBit, the merchant platform that has begun rapidly growing in prominence and pushing itself as a mainstream alternative to BitPay this fall, has announced a new feature for merchants who are located in Europe: payment by bank deposit. Participating merchants can now accept Bitcoin without ever handling them themselves, instead having their earnings immediately converted to local currency and deposited regularly into their bank....
Payment platform BIPS has announced support for the ecommerce cart platform Bigcommerce, which is used by over 40,000 merchants across the globe. The new development means businesses can sidestep credit card transaction fees by using the easy, private and cost effective payment solution that is bitcoin. Kris Henriksen, CEO at BIPS, believes that passionate bitcoin enthusiasts will use the Bigcommerce integration to further expand the BTC economy. "Our company mission is to provide a comprehensive carrier-grade technical platform that enables our merchants to receive cryptocurrencies as....
The WalletBit website and service came under DDOS attack on September 15, 2012, completely disabling the services as of around 9:00 PM GMT. The attackers sent the following note to Kris Henriksen, the services' founder, creator and CEO: Hello, Your service is currently under our control, and will remain so until you've fulfilled our request. All you need to do is settle 1000 BTC to the following receiver: 1PBvDW74Qm7pSFMfi5h4AgyDLGcb86LtTg Should you ignore this message, then keep in mind that we'll have no problems keeping your service. You have exactly 24 hours to initiate the money and....
The European market leader in cryptocurrency payment solution BIPS announced today a partnership with Fidor Bank of Germany to offer European merchants free and fast bank settlements. Fidor Bank, based in Munich, Germany, is no stranger to cryptocurrency. In January of this year, the bank launched a bitcoin derivatives market, allowing speculators to bet on the rising and falling prices of bitcoin. These improved settlements are a part of SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area. SEPA is a European Union initiative that allows for the simplification of bank transfers denominated in the Euro....