Pizza? Chinese takeout? Pay with bitcoins
Want a pizza delivered? Hungry for some Chinese takeout? Restaurant delivery service Foodler is now accepting bitcoins from customers placing online orders for food. Foodler handles online ordering for takeout and delivery services from more than 12,000 restaurants across the US. Customers with Foodler accounts can now choose a bitcoin payment option on their account page. Their bitcoin deposits are converted at current US dollar exchange rates into "FoodlerBucks," a form of credit that can be then used to pay for takeout, delivery and tips. Payments can be made either online or via a....
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This is my official, first-person review of the website PizzaForCoins.com, which allows you to buy pizza with Bitcoin from the three largest pizza chains worldwide, instead of using paper currency. The thoughts and views expressed here are not necessarily shared by CryptoCoinsNews.com and are the opinions of the author, Evander Smart, alone. Being a old boy from Brooklyn, NY, and therefore having ordered, I don't know, a couple of thousand pizzas in my day, I think I'm a fair judge of how a pizza order should go down. From start to finish, I'm nothing if not experienced in the art, and now....
The famed Bitcoin Pizzas. May 22 is a big day in Bitcoin history. In 2010, Florida programmer and BitcoinTalk user Laszlo Hanyecz offered to pay 10,000 Bitcoins for pizza. This transaction is famously known throughout the cryptocommunity as the first real world transaction/purchase used with Bitcoin. It is now known as Bitcoin Pizza Day. This was his post on BitcoinTalk on that day: I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones so I have some left over for the next day. I like having left over pizza to nibble on later. You can make the pizza yourself and bring....
Laszlo's pizza. May 22 marks the annual "Bitcoin Pizza Day," an anniversary of the day in which one of the most expensive pizzas in the history of the world was purchased. The Story. Laszlo Hanyecz purchased the so-called Bitcoin Pizza on 22 May 2010. The programmer paid a Bitcoin Talk forum user 10,000 BTC for two Papa John's pizzas. The value at the time of the bitcoins was approximately $25. When based on today's exchange rate, that value skyrockets to $2,330,000. Here is the original post on the Bitcoin Talk forum: Here is confirmation of the exchange, which is considered by many the....
Twelve years to the day of the world's first Bitcoin pizza purchase, the celebrations still continue for what has become a slice of crypto culture. Pizza DAO, the decentralized blockchain project seeking to unite the global community of pizza fanatics with the technological potential of Web3, are celebrating Sunday's Bitcoin Pizza Day in authentic style.On Sunday, the project will host commemorative events at 100 pizzerias in over 75 countries around the world, including the United States, Argentina, South Korea, Ethiopia, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, and more.Alongside a....
Our very own Caleb Chen, chowing down on a slice. Thursday marked the four year anniversary of the initial Bitcoin Pizza Day. You can read about it here at our article which was featured by Business Insider and Tech Crunch. May 22 is a big day in Bitcoin history. In 2010, Florida programmer and BitcoinTalk user Laszlo Hanyecz offered to pay 10,000 Bitcoins for pizza. This transaction is famously known throughout the cryptocommunity as the first real world transaction/purchase used with Bitcoin. It is now known as Bitcoin Pizza Day. So I decided to celebrate. I went to CoinMap.org to find....