Does bitcoin encourage crime?
Does Bitcoin encourage criminal activity? No more than a Does Bitcoin encourage criminal activity? No more than a £20 note does. The position bitcoin finds itself in today is similar to where Napster and other peer-to-peer music services were 13 years ago. There's much shouting right now about how the digital currency is apparently sometimes used for criminal purposes. Those quick to level those accusations might want to ask, "Have you seen what the big banks have been up to?" Banks have been found guilty of deliberately mis-selling insurance products, fixing some interest rates and....
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Digital currencies such as Bitcoin are enabling individual criminals, who come together on an ad-hoc basis, to boost the "crime-as-a-service" business model. The newly-released Europol report titled, 'Exploring Tomorrow's Organised Crime', states: "Virtual currencies increasingly enable individuals to act as freelance criminal entrepreneurs operating on a crime-as-a-service business model without the need for a sophisticated criminal infrastructure to receive and launder money." The research, aimed at identifying the key trends in the EU criminal landscape, revealed that such developments....
Bitcoin is a freedom currency in a manner that isn’t obvious and which is virtually undiscussed. Bitcoin is commonly linked to victimless crime, but the dynamic reaches far deeper than merely freeing individuals to buy goods and services, unsavory or not. Victimless crime is the lifeblood of the surveillance state without which big government could not....
Abuse expands with use in the case of cryptocurrency, Europol has acknowledged while also noting that blockchain technologies offer authorities a new opportunity to fight crime. Europe’s law enforcement agency also says they can help investigate money laundering networks.
Understanding Cryptocurrencies Is Vital to Tackling Organized Crime, Europol Says
The growing use of cryptocurrency across borders and industries comes with increasing abuse, new forms of crime, and money laundering, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) has concluded after....
Organisations looking to minimize the risks associated with bitcoin can now obtain virtual currency insurance coverage courtesy of Great American Insurance Group. The company's crime policies currently do not cover what it calls "virtual peer-to-peer mediums of exchange". As such, a new form of protective coverage has been made available through its Fidelity/Crime Division to both commercial and government policyholders. Great American explained its decision, stating: "Standard crime insurance policies, including Great American's crime policy, currently do not automatically provide....