London firm to offer bitcoin options trading
London-based options broker anyoption has announced plans to offer bitcoin derivative trading. "While traditionally we deal with currencies and stocks traded in household markets, we've identified that the public interest in bitcoin trading has risen and have decided to facilitate it within our state-of-the-art one-touch tool," anyoption stated. Traders choose whether the bitcoin exchange rate versus the US dollar will be above or below a certain price at set dates (in biweekly intervals). "Taking into account the simplicity of opening and funding a binary option account, it will....
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In the world of online trading, bitcoins and binary options go hand-in-hand. Using these two together will continue to gain popularity. A few years ago (in 2008, to be exact,) there were two major innovations that entered the world of trading, and these two innovations changes the world of finances as we know it: Bitcoins and binary options trading. What is a Bitcoin? Simply put, a bitcoin is a form of digital currency. There is no physical entity of a bitcoin; instead, this form of currency relies on balances that exist on a public ledger that is encrypted with both public and private....
In just a few weeks, the options have doubled for people in London who want to buy their bitcoin instantly with cash, rather than via an online transaction and all the proof of ID/bank payment rigmarole that entails. If you hadn't guessed, those options have gone from just one to two, but the speed at which they have appeared is a sign that bitcoin is increasingly being seen as a viable business option in the UK. First to provide a walk-in service for bitcoin purchases was Azteco, London's very first BTC voucher shop, which opened on 17th February in the east of the capital. And now, less....