CoinDesk talks with Roger Ver, 'Bitcoin Jesus' #Bitcoin2013
Bitcoin investor and evangelist Roger Ver -- "Bitcoin Jesus," some call him -- used bitcoins to buy his plane ticket from Tokyo, where he lives, to San Jose for Bitcoin 2013. He asked the parking lot attendant at the San Jose Convention Center if he could pay for his parking with bitcoins too (no dice). In fact, Ver pays for as much as he possibly can with the currency. He's invested more than a million dollars in it and holds his savings in it. And if all that is not enough, the man listens to the sounds of bitcoin transactions as background music as he goes about his day. Ver can truly....
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Known to many as "Bitcoin Jesus," Bitcoin super-investor and activist Roger Ver has run into major problems recently. Ver famously renounced his United States citizenship in 2014 and was denied a traveling visa this week by U. S. consulate officials. This being his latest attempt to visit Miami to attend an upcoming Bitcoin conference. Roger Ver has taken to social networking site Twitter to vent his frustrations at these new traveling restrictions. Ever since the Christmas holiday, Ver has been turned down three different times in the span of eight days. Roger Ver @rogerkver@tom_sharkey....
'The Most Focused Man In Bitcoin' Talks Comparative Advantage. Written By: Patrick 'PK' McDonnell. Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus is a very rare case study when evaluating the future economic environment of Bitcoin & it's underlying technology called, 'The Blockchain or Blockchain Technology'. I'm an advid learner of many pioneers who spearheaded cryptocurrency in distinctive ways, to name a few... Erik Voorhees, Nick Szabo, Roger Ver & Satoshi Nakamoto. However, I remain unbiased in my opinions of each community member & agree to disagree at times with each. NEWSBTC reached out to Roger Ver....
We promised the coming of Bitcoin Jesus, and his time has come. Here is Roger Ver answering the questions put forward by you, our readers and community members at the Inside Bitcoins conference in Hong Kong! We had a huge number of entries and so tried to allow Roger to speak about as wide a variety of topics as possible - we hope you enjoy hearing what he has to say. Don't forget to give us your feedback and let us know who else you would like to ask some Bitcoin questions, and as always, be sure to keep following CT!
Oh, ye of "too much faith!" Those who follow the "Bitcoin Jesus," as he's come to be called will not be able to witness their leader rise to the top on U. S. soil. As it so happens, bitcoin evangelist Roger Ver is being denied entry into the United States to speak at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami after renouncing his U. S. citizenship. Ver earned citizenship with the Caribbean island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis last year and primarily splits his time between that country and Japan. The U. S. embassy in Barbados stated to Ver the following reason for the rejection: "One....
The startups panel at the North American Bitcoin Conference via coinchomp.com. Hundreds of Bitcoiners have gathered at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami this morning, and the two-day extravaganza has plenty of new Bitcoin evangelists and entrepreneurs in attendance. The event kicked off at 8:30am with Ken Metral, the CEO of Coingig, and the last speaker of the day will be Roger Ver, also known as Bitcoin Jesus. There will be many other speakers and panels giving their opinions on different aspects of the Bitcoin space over the next two days, and the whole world will likely get....