Trezor now taking pre-orders for its hardware Bitcoin wallet
It's been a day for reporting hardware incarnations of Bitcoin. First we had Firmcoins, and now we have the more established Trezor team taking pre-orders for its self-named Bitcoin wallet-cum-dongle. There are two versions of the device. A plastic-encased model, set for a November 2013 release, sells for 1 BTC. That is followed by a brushed aluminum version which costs 3 BTC and is slated for an October 2013 release. Pre-ordering for either of the wallets is available through the Trezor eShop. "This Pre-Order allows you to purchase a TREZOR today and be among the first TREZOR owners when....
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The TREZOR hardware wallet has been highly anticipated, and with numerous delays, some customers have all but given hope for a release. The company has provided us with some updates for the anxious customers out there desperate for any news on their pre-orders. According to a company spokesperson, "...we just finished packing of the metallic version of TREZOR and started shipping first pre-orders [this] previous week." The spokesperson adds: "Unfortunately we are waiting for a Classic version of TREZOR which is still being manufactured due to problems we had with our former manufacturer."....
An early version of the TREZOR hardware wallet. After months of delays and a price controversy, it seems that TREZOR is finally ready to ship their much-anticipated hardware wallets. The company behind the product released a statement on their website today claiming that shipments of the TREZOR Metallic will be made by the end of January, while the TREZOR Classic will ship a few weeks later. The early supporters of the TREZOR hardware wallet will be happy to hear the good news, and they will be rewarded for that early support with a limited-edition version of the new wallet. This is the....
Hardware Bitcoin wallets are the next evolutionary step on the way of keeping BTC in safe and secure location. Considering most hardware wallets are pocket-sized, they have become increasingly convenient to carry around, and require no internet connection to use properly. One of the world’s leading hardware Bitcoin wallet manufacturers, Trezor, has gained the lion’s share of the market. But there is a new Trezor spinoff that will attempt to take that crown. It has to be said, Satoshilabs, the company behind popular hardware Bitcoin wallet Trezor, has created a fine piece of software. As a....
This week, the hardware wallet manufacturer Trezor, and the non-custodial bitcoin wallet with a built-in Coinjoin mixer, Wasabi, revealed the two teams are working together to introduce Coinjoin mixing into hardware wallets. On Sunday, Wasabi tweeted “hardware wallet Coinjoins are coming next year with our friends at [Trezor].”
Trezor Says Company Is ‘Working on a Coinjoin Implementation’
According to Trezor and Wasabi, a form of Coinjoin mixing is coming to hardware wallets in the near future. Coinjoin is a privacy-enhancing process that is leveraged....
BitPay’s multi-signature wallet solution – called Copay – has added TREZOR Hardware Wallet support. Even though the TREZOR hardware wallet has been around since 2013, it has taken a while for the BitPay engineers to integrate this functionality into Copay. The long wait is finally over, however, as the Chrome desktop app for Copay has been updated. Integrating TREZOR functionality into the Copay Chrome app brings additional functionality to the table. For example, Copay users will be able to sign transactions with their TREZOR hardware Bitcoin wallet, rather than only being able to do so....