Stanford University startups course: Build a bitcoin crowdfunding site
Stanford University is offering a course to young entrepreneurs which requires them to build a bitcoin crowdfunding system. Stanford is one of the most illustrious universities in the US, and so the inclusion of bitcoin is a sign of mainstream acceptance by exposing the business people of tomorrow to the digital currency. The Stanford Startup Engineering course is given by Balaji S. Srinivasan and Vijay S. Pande. Srinivasan is the Co-founder and CTO of genomics startup Counsyl, and Pande Founder and director of the Folding@Home Project. Both have strong academic backgrounds too. Srinivasan....
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Stanford University is offering a lab course on building bitcoin-enabled applications. The course is scheduled to run from Jan. 4 to March 11 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays in building 420-041 at the Stanford campus. The introduction to bitcoin (Jan. 4) presented concepts like digital signatures, the blockchain, transactions and mining. Instructors are Balaji S. Srinivasan, co-founder and CEO of 21 Inc., and Dan Boneh, a Stanford professor of computer science and electrical engineering. Students will learn how to rewire Internet services based on bitcoin. The school....
Stanford has been active in Bitcoin as a campus. American academia has offered courses across the country on cryptocurrencies for a couple of years now. New York University, Duke University, Princeton and others have all offered courses on Bitcoin. The Stanford University School of Engineering in Stanford, Calif. offers a new course, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies, for the Autumn semester. 100 students have enrolled and the course features labwork in which students experiment with Bitcoin applications. The syllabus is available here. There is no limit as to how many students may enroll. The....